您是否想在教育行业中尽己所能?您是否正在职业道路上并希望尽可能取得成功?也许您现在没有工作,但您仍然想充分利用生活。我们的课程旨在帮助您做到这一点。 我们提供在线课程和研讨会,可以深刻提高您的智力、认知和整体心理表现水平,同时向您展示如何实现高水平的健身和健康。 我们一生中所做的一切都是由我们的大脑控制的。这包括我们如何思考、我们如何行为、我们如何计划、我们在学校的表现如何、我们在职业生涯中的表现如何、我们如何与他人互动、我们的健康状况如何以及最终我们在生活中的成就感如何。 然而,我们大多数人很少或根本不知道我们的心脑系统是如何工作的,或者如何发挥它的最大作用。我们的培训旨在解决这个问题,帮助您更有效地使用大脑并从生活中获得更多。由于大脑健康与身体健康和整体健康密切相关,因此我们在培训中也广泛涵盖了这些领域。 请查看我们的培训领域页面。您会发现我们涵盖了智力、认知和身体表现的各个方面,因此无论您做什么,在我们的帮助下您都会找到更好的方法并取得更好的结果。 我们的绩效基础课程包含所有这些培训领域,将使您能够大幅提高绩效水平。无论您是在接受教育、在工作,还是只是想在大脑和身体上感觉更健康,它都会给您的生活带来巨大的变化。 课程的认知方面对于智力表现至关重要,就像体能训练对于运动表现至关重要一样。因此,我们的课程适合任何重视脑力工作的人,无论是在教育、商业、设计、创意艺术、科学或研究领域,还是仅仅针对那些对改善思维方式感兴趣的人。 除了我们的表演基础课程之外,我们还举办在线研讨会以及针对同一领域的私人补习。 如果您想了解更多信息,请联系我们,我们将尽力提供帮助。 |
If you would like to keep up to date with what's new in the field of cognitive performance and be notified whenever we schedule new seminars, please sign up to our monthly newsletter. |
CoursesOur Fundamentals of Performance Online Course.
This year long course focuses on all aspects of mental and physical performance and will raise your levels of performance to hitherto unseen levels across the whole range of human activity. . |
Online SeminarsWe run Online Seminars focusing on all of our various training areas, so no matter where you are you can learn how to use your mind and body more effectively.
Tutoring & CoachingWe offer one-to-one tutorials and coaching. If you are in full-time or part-time education or in work our tutorials will help you with the fundamentals of academic performance. Our career coaching covers the full gamut of mental, intellectual and academic performance and will help you improve your career outcomes..
PublicationsWe have two full length books: -
How to Think (A Complete Guide to Analytical Thinking) Master Your Memory (A Complete Guide to the Techniques used by Memory Masters) Additionally, we have our Quick Course series of books. Each book covers the essentials of its subject, providing practical advice and a number of exercises. The Quick Course series builds up into a complete mind and brain development course that will help you to achieve your full potential. All are available in paperback or on Kindle. |
The Oxford Centre for the Mind,
#123, 94 London Road, Oxford, OX3 9FN UK A Limited Liability Company Registered in England & Wales. Registered Number 11587285 We are an independent organisation not associated with Oxford University |
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