Creative Thinking Primer Online Seminar 1st August 2018 - 8pm
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand - Albert Einstein
Creative thinking is the ability to generate new ideas and to find new and unexpected solutions to problems. Creativity is often associated with the arts and the media. However, it can be useful in all areas of life. For instance, in business it is vital in fields such as product design or software development; it can be useful in finding innovative solutions to legal problems, or in campaigning journalism. The ability to think creatively is also hugely important in academic areas such as scientific research.
People labour under the misapprehension that there is a typical creative person - the 'creative type' - perhaps typified by someone in advertising or by an artist who chooses to live outside the conventional rules of society. However, the ability to think creatively is something that we all have to a greater or lesser extent and which we are all capable of developing. By applying a specific set of thinking tools to any problem, new ideas and new solutions can be generated. As with any skill, with the right instruction and practice, it can be learnt, built upon and improved.
Our courses will help you to develop your ability to think creatively by outlining a very specific set of techniques that you can use. We will show how your brain's associative capacity can be utilised as a springboard for creativity and then demonstrate how to build on that springboard by focusing on particular facets of the ideas that you generate, leading you in a multitude of new directions. We will also outline the influence that your state of mind can have on your ability to think creatively and show you how to access these creative states of mind.
If you or the organisation to which you belong is in the business of solving problems, finding solutions, or being innovative in any way, then you will find our courses on creative thinking enormously beneficial.
8pm (UK time) on 1st August 2018
Length - 2.5 hours.
Seminar is conducted via Skype in English.
This seminar is open to anyone. Attendance is limited to 20 people.