EducationOur courses are ideal for people in education, whether teachers or learners.
CharitiesCharities, especially campaigning charities, need to understand the mentality of the people that they are involved with.
BusinessOur seminars can help people perform more effectively across all types of business situation.
Public SectorMany of the factors that apply to increasing productivity in business will also apply in the public sector.
Personal DevelopmentAnyone who wants to perform more effectively in their personal lives or who wants to find out more about how their brain works will find something here.
The Oxford Centre for the Mind,
#123, 94 London Road, Oxford, OX3 9FN UK A Limited Liability Company Registered in England & Wales. Registered Number 11587285 We are an independent organisation not associated with Oxford University |
Phone: 01865 596 127 (from inside the UK)
Phone: 0044 1865 596 127 (from outside the UK) © COPYRIGHT 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.