We all have a limited time on this planet and we should all try and make the most of this time as possible. That means ensuring that we devote as much energy as we can to achieving what is most important to us. Our courses on goals and motivation are designed to help you do precisely that.
We all have goals. Some may be immediate and relatively unimportant, such as getting to work on time. Others may be long-term and determine the course of our lives, such as gaining a new qualification or moving to a different country. Whether we achieve our goals or not, be they short-term or long-term, will clearly make a huge difference to the quality of our lives. However, achieving our goals presupposes that we know what they are. Not everybody does. A short-term goal like getting to work on time is obvious and requires little thought. The steps necessary to achieve it are clear and after the first few times will have become a habit. However, the choice of job that we do, by contrast, is a much larger decision, yet not everybody will have given any thought to whether it matches their long-term aims. People often simply drift into their careers. Failure to give sufficient thought to our larger goals can lead to us being stuck in jobs, places, or relationships that we do not want. Worse, we might ultimately realise that we are living the wrong life altogether and come to regret the choices we have made when it is too late. So it is important to think about our goals and giving some serious thought to them will mean that we are more likely to achieve them. Our goals in life will be determined by our personality, our character, our abilities, the state of our knowledge, our experiences and our peer groups. Some will be conscious, some will be unconscious. Some will be actions or results whereas others will be feelings or states of mind. Virtually all of our goals will require some kind of action to achieve them. However, sometimes we might find that we are failing to take the necessary action through physical or psychological factors such as lack of energy, laziness, weakness of will or fear. We want to ensure that we do everything we can to help us achieve our goals and so knowing how to ensure that we do take positive action when we need to, that we take the right action and that we overcome any factors that prevent us from acting is vital. Over recent years research has been done in different academic fields such as psychology, behavioural science and neuroscience that will help us to identify, categorise and prioritise our goals as well as help us to take effective action to achieve them. Our courses cover the factors that underlie your goals and aims, look at what might limit your ambitions and how to overcome them; they will help you to establish, plan and prioritise your goals, small and large, short-term and long-term, as well as set out the steps that will ensure you take the necessary action to achieve them; they will also help you understand and overcome the factors that might prevent you from achieving what you want to achieve. |
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